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Origin and brief history of Blind Cricket in Pakistan

Historical prospects of the sighted cricket divulge the origin and evolution of the blind cricket but little myopic.

Very soon after partition, sighted cricket was projected by live radio commentary. In that context, blind people exploited their unique listening power; enjoyed sighted cricket that generated substantial enthusiasm urged them to leap into the ground for practical cricket, this was the origin of blind cricket. Blind people commenced playing cricket with a team comprised of six members, relatively shorter pitch with flat bat, four feet long, four inch wide and with a cane fiber ball. Empty drums were used in place of stumps, sound of which was chased by batsman for running between the pitch.

This practice persisted for a long period of time till 1975. Till that time rules and regulations for blind cricket were not framed.7 years (1975 to 1982), Juncture blind cricket into regular cricket at school level. First blind cricket match was played between Lahore and IDA REU school Karachi in 1978 with eleven-member team, at a full-length pitch wide bat and drum remained innovated. Steel ball replaced cane ball this match involved massive public interest and yielded extraordinary popularity.

In a time span from 1982 to 1996 there was innovation in the blind cricket in a patterns that plastic balls replaced the steel ones, stumps were made of pipe resembling the regular ones replaced the drums. A regular cricket bat came into use instead of a piece of wood and pads and gloves were also used in this period. Rules for the cricket were framed too.

The most important step in this period was the emergence of cricket clubs for the blind in Pakistan. Many cricket tournaments were also organized at district and provincial level on a regular basis.

Eventually in 1997, Pakistan blind cricket council, as sole administrative and supervisory authority upon blind cricket in overall Pakistan came into existence, taking charge to streamline and designing infrastructure for blind cricket at grassroots level.

Formation of World Blind Cricket Council (WBCC)

In August 1996, a meeting was held in Delhi (India) under the agenda to promote blind cricket in all over the world through centralized integrated administrative discipline, secondly to establish convergence and harmony among playing countries. Pakistan and seven other test cricket playing countries founded World Blind Cricket Council (WBCC).

Establishment of PBCC

In 1997, the foundation of Pakistan Blind Cricket Council was laid for the development of blind cricket across Pakistan. The head of national level NGO’s of and for the blind and the concerns of cricket for the blind called for a meeting in February 1997. Sixteen (16) dignitaries participated in that meeting and elected the first office bearers of PBCC, Syed Sultan was elected as the first Chairman and A.S Ali was elected as Secretary General. The first World Cup Cricket of the Blind was announced to be held in December 1998 in New Delhi India. PBCC formed the first selection committee comprising Syed Sultan Shah, Mr. Nafees Ahmad and Muhamad Israr. Syed Sultan Shah was made the first Captain of Pakistan Blind Cricket Team, so he resigned from the position of the Chairman and Mr. Tab Arfani took the charge of Chairman in 1998. 

Pakistan Blind Cricket Council was incorporated in September 2003 with Securities & Exchange commission Govt. of Pakistan under section 42 of companies’ ordinance 1984. Agha Shaukat Ali was the first Chairman of the incorporated body and Maher Yousaf Haroon Masood was nominated as the Secretary of the Council. PBCC became the full member of Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) in 2007 having the voting right.

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